It was an absolute delight to meet 19 lovely members outdoors at the Feathers pub for our first public meet up in a group of more than 6 on 14th June since lockdown began. After a rather wet May, we were treated to a glorious early June. It was great to sit outside and just chat and catch up. It was so nice to see everyone in 3D rather than on a screen like the Brady Bunch or Blankety Blank (Showing my age now!!!)

A few of us have already (OK just Catherine and I so far) booked outdoor swim sessions at the Shac in Buckland. Our last visit on 13th June was warm enough to not worry about a wetsuit. The water was a glorious 20 degrees. Most of it, we discovered, can be navigated in shallow water if you stick to the edge. If you’d like to come, our next visit will be on 27th June at 10.30 am. Providing you are confident in a pool and can swim 400 metres, the intro to open swimming not necessarily needed. A bright swim hat is required. Beach socks or shoes a good idea as the bottom is a little slimy underfoot. The showers and changing rooms are also open too. Pre booking essential – please book using the via the website - costs is £9.60. However, if you don’t like swimming but would like to visit, Buckland Park is open to booked visitors for woodland walks, picnics, fishing or visiting the pleasant café. On Saturdays and Sundays between 10 am and 4pm – details here The café fills up quickly around lunch time, so booking between 12 and 1.30 probably advised on nice days. There is also a lovely children’s playground and a mobile refreshment van. Daytime and evening slots are available during the week as well. I've attended a couple and they've been lovely and quiet. I would also suggest if any members would like to undertake an open water swim course, to look into the course I attended in May through It's half the price of the course that the Shac run and Jude and Fiona who run the course are awesome - and the after swim cookies are amazing!

Another event you might like to join us for is Ed Byrne and Friends at Flower farm in Godstone – tickets are £24.50 and available online here A few of us have already booked tickets. The event takes place outdoors in the beer garden. Lifts will be available to those without cars.
Alice is running craft sessions at the Merstham Mix on Fridays and Saturdays at lunch time. Do come along – Alice is happy to teach new members to crochet. All very welcome. Our ever popular Breakfast socials on Tuesdays at the mix are still happening every week from 9 am. Again, all welcome.
We’ll also be hosting regular evenings to either the Feathers or the Inn on the Pond on a weekly or fortnightly basis – especially for members who work and can’t attend events during the day. I’m also happy to organise evening walks on Fridays with a pub visit locally.

Our next monthly meeting in July will be a picnic and croquet at Crossways Garden on 13th July. More details soon, but please bring own hand sanitizer, food, plate, cutlery and cup. Anyone know the rules of croquet? Nah me neither.

In August, we’ll walk around the Bund in Merstham to find blackberries and other seasonal fruits. By September, we hope to be back in Canada Hall where we have an interesting line up of speakers and social events, including a ghost talk from April, the history of Fr Christmas and the ever-popular recipe swap. We’re also hoping to have a major presence at All Saints fair in September and it will involve cake – lots of cake!

Other events will be advertised on our website and Facebook page. If you haven’t already signed up to it, please do as events often will be posted there at short notice. Sadly we’ve recently had to change the settings to private as some of our members were receiving unwanted private messages from gentlemen abroad. Please don’t be put off by our privacy settings from signing up to the page online. We really do welcome local residents to like and comment on our page – we hope those of you who are silent observers will join us when you feel able to for as many or as few of the events you feel you’ll enjoy when you feel comfortable. We have a very wide age range and our members have many interests and hobbies to share. So please do continue to look and our website and FB and do join us when you’re ready. We look forward to welcoming you with a smile and a cup of tea (and cake!)