Christmas is now a dim and distant memory and it’s nice to see the evening getting lighter. Although signs of new life are beginning to poke through with snow drops and crocuses, the weather in February can be unreliable and we can still expect some frosty mornings, plenty of rain and the possibility of snow – so to combat those winter blues and dreary days why not let Merstham Women’s group entertain you in some cosy indoor venues locally.
Our next meeting is a lovely craft event run by Debbie and Jenny – we’ll be using old books and folding them into beautiful ornaments such as cute hedgehogs and other interesting artforms! Come along for tea and biscuits and go home with a beautiful creation to adorn your fireplace mantlepiece or gap in your bookshelf. Come along even if you don’t fancy crafting and just chat.
Next month we have our guest speaker to inform us about foraging which should be an informative talk – I’m looking forward to that one -I might lead a walk locally when the wild garlic pops up for a good forage. I know a very flat area in Merstham with good parking nearby if anyone interested. In April we have another speaker talking about the story behind crosswords. Bring your pens along and work out what one across and five down are for the cryptic clues.
Last month I was slightly discombobulated with the theme of one of our future talks. Our speaker, a local (and very informative) resident, Chris Green will be discussing Life in an aluminium tube, Eh? What? It is going to be a topic that you will find that most interesting. I won’t give it away yet, but I’ll be taking answers on a post card (or comment on the web blog comments) on what you think he’ll be talking about. Unless Claire lets slip what the talk is about, I’ll answer in next months’ blog. All I’ll say is he’s travelled far and wide and will have some interesting tales to tell us. Whatever do you think the aluminium tube may be?
Our book club still going strong and meets at the pub every 6 to 8 weeks or so. Please get in touch if you’d like to join. We get the books from Merstham Library, so the group is limited on numbers. We’ve just read The Other Bennett sister. If you’re familiar with Pride and Prejudice, this tale takes up the story of middle sister Mary Bennett. I’ve really enjoyed reading it and I hope other members liked it too.
Our film and theatre WhatsApp group is up and running. Hopefully I’ll receive divine inspiration for some cinema /theatre nights out. So far nothing outstanding at the cinema has leapt out to me. Bridget Jones Diary latest instalment is out soon and could be fun. In April we’ll see An Accidental Death of an Anarchist at Coulsdon Theatre workshop. It’s a very funny play if performed well. Their last show was good. If you have any links or interesting suggestions on local events (or further afield with a long lead up to get tickets) do suggest those. Courtyard Theatre Chipstead and the Arches theatre in Horley have some great plays. For professional performances, Dorking Halls, The Hawth Crawley and Yvonne Arnaud have some great plays and shows too. Musical events, tribute bands and comedians considered.
Our weekly meet ups at the hub are still happening on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings – all welcome and bring knitting or crochet if you enjoy doing that – but that’s not essential. Just come and chat. Everyone is welcome to join. Free tea and coffee available until 3pm.
Still no news on when the café serving food at the hub yet – the progress is extremely SLOW! Infuriating as I was hoping to give you a date this month (do google the one Ronnie and Harry Enfield sketch on YouTube – a very funny sketch in a greengrocer referring to apple, blackberry and dates – up there with the Four Candles sketch – if you’re feeling a bit down it’ll give you a giggle).
Folk night – still in the planning stage. It will go ahead with the CoHorts band at Merstham Village Hall. Pricing, time and date to be decided.
We will also begin our monthly pub nights this month too. Date and venue to be decided. If you have any good suggestions do share those with us.
Our new (ish) committee is up and running and we’ll have who’s who up on website soon – not much change - a shuffle around of posts and we welcome Lynne Cogan onto the committee.
Other Events of interest.
Date for your diary - Sunday 8th June - All Saints fair - we hope to run our successful jam and craft stall then.
Merstham Horticultural society have invited members to upcoming meetings at Canada Hall on the first Monday of every month at 8pm: Details of the next 2 meetings below.
March 3rd Arts and Craft Gardens of the South East with Cherrill Sand
April 7th Herbs and there uses Culinary and Medicinal with plants to purchase from her Nursery.
We hope to advertise other local events of interest, so if you’re in another group with an event our members may like to join in, do share with us to publish. Quiz nights, Merstham Movies, etc.
Of interest to members, I was at a meeting with staff at the library and Merstham Community Facilities Trust (MCFT) recently and I now have a comprehensive list of some interesting events members may like to attend with family and friends. I will ping up the full schedule soon. A few high lights include a valentines day craft event, a south African story telling event, woman’s history month talks, easter egg events, a community barbeque and more.
I am very excited to be involved in 2 events. On 20th May I’ll be working with the library to deliver talks and craft events on bees on world beekeeping day – we may even have time to visit the allotment bees weather permitting.
For our second event over the summer holidays (and indeed from now onwards). get out and about with your cameras and mobile phones. Take pictures of local view and wildlife (no people please). I’ll give you a link to send your photos to when I have it or you can print off and take to the hub to display in due course. Encourage friends and family members to take pictures of and around Merstham, Gatton, Watercolour and places nearby. Or just what you see in your garden. Visitors to the hub and library can vote on their favourites. There will be prizes.
If you follow the Facebook page for Merstham Wildlife Sightings and Guide, you can see what we expect. We hope, with agreement of the photographers, to sell some of these prints to fund our beekeeping and allotment projects.
We look forward to seeing you on 11th February at Merstham Baptist church from 7.30pm or at other events during the coming weeks.